- What does the text say about Jesus?
- How is this passage relevant to us today?
- Who is Jesus? People can easily give the "right" answer: “He is Lord”, “Saviour”, “God.” But what are the implications for our lives? For example, we can give the answer Jesus is "Saviour", but still try and save ourselves from trouble we get into.
- How has this message been passed on to you? - See 2 Tim 1:5, 2 Tim 3:14-17, for an example of the message of scripture being passed on from one generation to another.
See comments one and two below for Matt 16:13-16 NRSV as an example of how to comment. Note the version of the Bible used is linked to the comment using the name/URL option. For example, the NRSV (New Revised Standard Version) is used in the first two comments.
Passages which have been set up for comment are presented below:
Passages which have been set up for comment are presented below:
If you wish to comment on the example passage using other versions of scripture or study passages not set up yet, make comments below using the questions above.
What does the text say about Jesus?
That he is the Son of God.
2. How is this passage relevant to us today?
It shows us who Jesus disciple though he was and asks us who we think Jesus is.
3. Who do you say Jesus is based on the Scripture passage?
The Messiah the Son of God.
4. How has this message been passed on to you?
Through my Great Grandparents to my Grandparents to my Parents to me.
Later in the passage (verse 20) Jesus tells his disciples not to tell anyone He is the Messiah. Today most people think Jesus is good man or the story is not accurate. Believing Jesus is the Messiah today means accepting him to save us personally from our sin (wrong doings) and in the future to create a new world where their will be no more sin. Only a few people have this belief in Jesus, just like it was back when Jesus lived.
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